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For users that require a more robust database, Microsoft SQL Server can be used in place of the default Microsoft Jet Database. Although the initial setup and configuration is somewhat more complex, stability and reliability are increased because of advanced error recovery and far less chance of database corruption to due network interruption or abrupt machine shutdown.


Compatible Editions


MS SQL Server 2005 (Express, Standard or Enterprise)
MS SQL Server 2008 /R2 (Express, Standard or Enterprise)




Installation Order


1. Install Amigo Pos with a default MS Jet database

2. Download and install Microsoft SQL Server Express on one pos station

3. Choose one of the following:

New Database: Use the Amigo Pos demo SQL Database backup
Existing Database: Import your existing MS Jet database using the Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant

4. Configure SQL Server to accept network connections

5. Configure Amigo Pos database settings


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