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Driver Liability Report

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The driver liability report is used to determine the cash owed by each driver at the end of the business day. This report can be customized to show the details of each delivery, transaction, driver deposit and gratuity or can be customized to show only totals for each driver (useful for reducing the size of the report when many drivers are working simultaneously).


All Drivers


The driver liability report for all drivers is accessed by logging in with manager permissions, opening the manager screen and pressing the Reports button at the top center. Select the Driver Liability report to update the report viewer. If this report is not available, refer to the End of Day Reports help topic for instructions on enabling this report. Note that this report is formatted to print to the local receipt printer and contains some abbreviations to reduce the amount of text and save paper.




Individual Driver Report


The driver liability report for the currently logged in user is available on the Time Clock screen by pressing the Driver Report button. Note that this button is visible only when the currently logged in user has taken deliveries during the current business day. The driver is not required to clock-in in order to access the driver liability report on the Time Clock screen.





The following information is used to determine each driver's liability:

order Details & Total: The total of each order and the total for all orders
Transaction Details & Total: The type and total for each transaction type and the sum of all transactions
Deposit Details & Total: The pos station Id, Amount and time of each deposit
Non-Cash Gratuities: Gratuities collected from credit card transactions, gift card transactions and house account transactions



Driver Liability Report Showing Itemized Orders

Driver Liability Report Showing Itemized Orders



Driver deposits are shown with the pos station id followed by the time and amount, as shown below.


Driver Liability Report Showing Itemized Driver Deposits

Driver Liability Report Showing Itemized Driver Deposits



In addition, the following are available as separate report sections:

Delivery Charges: Delivery charges collected for each delivery zone
Cash & Non-Cash Gratuities Detail & Total: The (itemized) declared cash and calculated non-cash gratuities and totals of each for all orders


The last 2 report sections, Delivery Charges and Cash & Non-Cash Gratuities, can be suppressed if not required by setting the values of Driver Report Show Delivery Charges and Driver Report Show Tips Collected to No.



To customize the report, navigate to Back Office > Configuration > Main SettingsDeliveries and adjust the settings that contain the Driver Report prefix, as shown below.



Back Office > Configuration > Main Settings

Back Office > Configuration > Main Settings



Driver Liability Report Settings

Driver Liability Report Settings


Driver Liability Calculation

The total liability for each driver is determined for a given business day, regardless of cash drawer changes or at which pos station a order is settled. Since orders can be settled by multiple transactions, i.e. 1/2 cash and 1/2 credit, the driver liability report lists transactions separately from delivery orders. The total liability is determined as follows:

Delivery orders Total - (Transactions Total + Deposits Total + Non-Cash Gratuities Total+Delivery Charges)




Delivery orders Total is the sum of all orders the driver has taken during the current business day (Subtotal + Tax - Discount + Mandatory Gratuity + Delivery Charge)
Transactions Total is the sum of all transactions processed against those orders during the current business day
Deposits Total is the total deposits the driver has completed during the current business day
Non-Cash Gratuities is the total of all non-cash gratuities for the current business day. This parameter can be disabled if the driver's non-cash gratuities should not be used to offset liabilities by setting the value for Driver Report Deduct Non Cash Gratuities to No.
Delivery Charges is the total delivery charges collected by the driver for the current business day. This parameter can be disabled if the driver does not keep the delivery charges (or the delivery charges should not be used to offset liabilities) by setting the value for Driver Report Deduct Delivery Charges to No.


If Delivery orders Total is less than the total of the other items, the total will be prefixed by the word OVER-PAYMENT and a plus sign, otherwise the total will be prefixed by the words TOTAL OWED, as shown below.


Driver Liability Report Over-Payment Alert

Driver Liability Report Over-Payment Alert


*Only drivers with open deliveries for the current business day are shown on the user selection list. Drivers with no open deliveries cannot remit deposits or use the End Shift function. An open delivery is a delivery order that has not been settled. Checked-in orders are considered open.



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