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Shared Settings

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The following settings are available in Back Office > Configuration > All Program Settings and are shared by all order entry and back office machines. A database update or program restart is required after changing a setting. Note that some legacy (Version 5) settings have been deprecated and are included for reference only.


(1) Bar Menu

(2) Bar Menu Settings

(3) Bar Tabs

(4) Barcode scanner

(5) Card Specifications

(6) Credit Cards

(7) Currency Presets

(8) Custom Text

(9) Database

(10) Deliveries

(11) Discounts

(12) DrawerReset

(13) End Of Day

(14) General Settings

(15) Gift Cards

(16) Images

(17) Ingredient Abbreviations

(18) Label Printer Settings

(19) Label Printers

(20) Loyalty Cards

(21) Order Entry

(22) Order Entry Buttons

(23) Pizza Menu

(24) Pizza Menu Settings

(25) Receipt Printer

(26) Receipt Settings

(27) Regular Menu

(28) Remote Display

(29) Remote Printer Settings

(30) Remote Printers

(31) Remote Printers Menu Items

(32) Remote Printers Modifiers

(33) Reports

(34) Retail Module

(35) Security

(36) Server Banking

(37) Settle Screen

(38) Store Information

(39) Suggested Gratuities

(40) Time Clock/Schedule

(41) User Interface




Bar Menu


Numeric Settings

oDefault Bar Menu Category

If set to 0, the category selection screen appears when the bar menu is accessed. Otherwise, a specified bar menu category's items will be visible.





Bar Menu Settings


Numeric Settings

oBar Menu Tax Rate

Default tax rate for all bar menu items



Yes/No Settings

oBar Menu Allow Tax Included

Set to No to charge tax on bar menu items for order types that are configured to be tax inclusive

oBar Menu Enabled

Enable the bar menu on the order entry screen

oOrder Bar Menu Items Alphabetically

Set to No to use button position value to order bar menu items on the order entry screen

oRemote Print Bar Upcharge Asterisk

Set to Yes to print an asterisk before and after the upcharge description when sent to prep printer





Bar Tabs


Text Settings

oBar Tab Number Card End Sentinel

Bar Tab Number card end sentinel character

oBar Tab Number Card Start Sentinel

Bar Tab Number card start sentinel character



Numeric Settings

oBar Tab Number Card Track

When using bar tab numbers in conjunction with magnetic cards

oDefault Bar Tab Amount

The default amount that new bar tabs are preauthorized for



Yes/No Settings

oBar Tabs Order Alphabetically

Set to Yes to order bar tabs alphabetically by customer name on the order selection screen. Set to No to order bar tabs by time entered

oEnable Bar Tab Number

Set to Yes to enable bar tab number entry after new bar tab preauthorization

oEnforce Bar Tab Preauth Limit

Do not allow the bar tab order to exceed the preauthorizion amount

oForce Bar Tab Number

Set to Yes to force bar tab number entry (EnableBarTabNumber must also be set to Yes)

oMandatory Bar Tab Seat Selection

Force user to select a seat when starting a new bar tab

oShow Bar Tab Button

Set to No to hide the NEW TAB and TABS buttons on the order entry screen

oShow Bar Tab Pre Auth Button

Set to No to hide the bar tab Pre Authorize button on the order entry screen





Barcode scanner


Text Settings

oWedge Scanner Terminator

The special character transmitted by a keyboard wedge scanner at the end of the scan



Yes/No Settings

oExpand UPC E Barcode To UPC A

Set to Yes to automatically expand UPC-E barcodes to UPC-A before looking up a scanned barcode

oTrim Barcode Leading Digit

Set to Yes to automatically trim the leading digit from the scanned barcode before looking up a scanned barcode

oTrim Barcode Trailing Characters

Set to Yes to automatically trim the last 2 trailing characters from the scanned barcode before looking up a scanned barcode





Card Specifications


Text Settings

oEmployee Card End Sentinel

Employee card end sentinel character

oEmployee Card Start Sentinel

Employee card start sentinel character

oGift Card End Sentinel

Gift card end sentinel character

oGift Card Start Sentinel

Gift card start sentinel character

oLoyalty Card End Sentinel

Loyalty card end sentinel character

oLoyalty Cards Start Sentinel

Loyalty card start sentinel character



Numeric Settings

oEmployee Card Track

Track number to read for obtaining employee card id

oGift Card Track

Track number to read for obtaining gift card id

oLoyalty Card Track

Track number to read for obtaining loyalty card id





Credit Cards


Text Settings

oCredit Card Button 1

Text to appear on credit card button 1 - leave blank to hide button (for external card machines only)

oCredit Card Button 2

Text to appear on credit card button 2 - leave blank to hide button (for external card machines only)

oCredit Card Button 3

Text to appear on credit card button 3 - leave blank to hide button (for external card machines only)

oCredit Card Button 4

Text to appear on credit card button 4 - leave blank to hide button (for external card machines only)



Numeric Settings

oSignature Line Minimum

Fast food restaurants: minimum amount before a signature line is printed on a cc signature slip. This applies to PCCharge users only and should only be used when approved by the payment processor. Many processors require a customer signature.



Yes/No Settings

oSignature Slip Print Auth Number

Set to Yes to print the authorization number on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Card Issuer

Set to Yes to print the credit card issuer on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Card Member

Set to Yes to print the cardholder name on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Card Number

Set to Yes to print the last 4 digits of the credit card number on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Date

Set to Yes to print the transaction date on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Expiration Date

Set to Yes to print the masked expiration date on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Reference Number

Set to Yes to print the reference number on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Result

Set to Yes to print the transaction result on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Sequence Number

Set to Yes to print the sequence number on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Swipe Type

Set to Yes to print the swipe method on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Table Name

Set to Yes to print the dine-in table name on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print order Number

Set to Yes to print the order id on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Time

Set to Yes to print the transaction time on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Transaction

Set to Yes to print the transaction id on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Transaction Type

Set to Yes to print the transaction type on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print Trout D

Set to Yes to print the TroutD on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)

oSignature Slip Print User Name

Set to Yes to print the user name on credit card signature slips (applies only to PCCharge Payment Server users)





Currency Presets


Numeric Settings

oCurrency Preset 1

Value of settle screen currency preset button #1

oCurrency Preset 2

Value of settle screen currency preset button #2

oCurrency Preset 3

Value of settle screen currency preset button #3

oCurrency Preset 4

Value of settle screen currency preset button #4

oCurrency Preset 5

Value of settle screen currency preset button #5

oCurrency Preset 6

Value of settle screen currency preset button #6



Yes/No Settings

oCurrency Preset 1 Enabled

Show currency preset button #1 on the cash transaction screen

oCurrency Preset 2 Enabled

Show currency preset button #2 on the cash transaction screen

oCurrency Preset 3 Enabled

Show currency preset button #3 on the cash transaction screen

oCurrency Preset 4 Enabled

Show currency preset button #4 on the cash transaction screen

oCurrency Preset 5 Enabled

Show currency preset button #5 on the cash transaction screen

oCurrency Preset 6 Enabled

Show currency preset button #6 on the cash transaction screen





Custom Text


Text Settings

oDefault Customer Location Name

Name to assign to the first customer location

oNCF Header Consumer

Text to print above the NCF Final Value - leave blank to omit

oNCF Header Final Value

Text to print above the NCF Final Value - leave blank to omit

oNCF Prefix Consumer

Text to print before NCF Final Value - leave blank to omit

oNCF Prefix Final Value

Text to print before NCF Final Value - leave blank to omit

oText Text Receipt Number

Text to print on customer receipt next to order number at the bottom of the order (visible only when a barcode is not printed)

oTicket Delivery Charge Text

Text to print on order for delivery charge

oTicket Print Guest Prefix

When order details are grouped by guest, print this before the guest#

oTicket Print Guest Suffix

When order details are grouped by guest, print this after the guest#

oTicket Text Amount Tendered

Text to print on order for amount tendered

oTicket Text Bottom Line 1

Text to print on order if bottom line 1 is enabled

oTicket Text Bottom Line 2

Text to print on order if bottom line 2 is enabled

oTicket Text Bottom Line 3

Text to print on order if bottom line 3 is enabled

oTicket Text Bottom Line 4

Text to print on order if bottom line 4 is enabled

oTicket Text Bottom Line 5

Text to print on order if bottom line 5 is enabled

oTicket Text Change Due

Text to print on order for change due

oTicket Text Customer Copy

Text to print on customer receipt when indiciating that the receipt is a customer copy

oTicket Text Customer Information

Text to print on customer receipt above the customer name and address

oTicket Text Guest

Text to print on customer receipt when displaying the number of guests on the customer receipt (1 Guest)

oTicket Text Guests

Text to print on customer receipt when displaying the table number on the customer receipt (more than 1 Guest)

oTicket Text Item Count

Text to print on order for total number of items

oTicket Text Mandatory Gratuity

Text to print on customer receipt when a mandatory gratuity is added to an order

oTicket Text Order Number

Text to print on customer receipt above the large order number at the bottom of the order

oTicket Text Pay This Amount

Text to print on order for amount to pay

oTicket Text Seat

Text to print on order for seat

oTicket Text Server

Text to print on order for server

oTicket Text Split

Text to print above total on split orders

oTicket Text Subtotal

Text to print on order for subtotal

oTicket Text Table

Text to print on customer receipt when displaying the table number on the customer receipt

oTicket Text Top Line 1

Text to print on order if top line 1 is enabled

oTicket Text Top Line 2

Text to print on order if top line 2 is enabled

oTicket Text Top Line 3

Text to print on order if top line 3 is enabled

oTicket Text Top Line 4

Text to print on order if top line 4 is enabled

oTicket Text Top Line 5

Text to print on order if top line 5 is enabled

oTicket Text Total Due

Text to print on order for total due (total due appears instread of amount to pay if the order is already settled)

oTicket Text Transactions

Text to print on order for transactions header



Numeric Settings

oNCF Type

For NCF users: set to 0 for final value (on demand) or 1 for consumer (continuous)



Yes/No Settings

oNCF Enabled

For NCF users: enable NCF (fiscal tax number) and display the NCF configuration button on the tax rates screen

oNCF Print Top

For NCF users: set to Yes to print NCF below the receipt header - set to No to print NCF above the receipt footer







Numeric Settings

oDatabase Update Interval

Interval in hours to synchronize the local database with the server database at user login







Numeric Settings

oAuto Customer Lookup Minimum Digits

Enter the minimum number of digits required before the auto-lookup is performed as the phone number is entered

oCustomer List Length Limit

Maximum number of items to show on customers lookup list on order entry screen (use small number for slower systems)

oDelivery Charge Tax Rate

When adding a new delivery zone on the customer information screen, the default delivery charge tax rate id (applies only when the delivery charge is taxable). This value can be changed on the delivery zones screen in back office.

oDelivery Order Type

Default order type for delivery orders

oPhone Number Format Length

When formatting a phone number, assume this number of digits will be entered

oPhone Number Format Length Group 1

Number of digits in the first phone number group

oPhone Number Format Length Group 2

Number of digits in the second phone number group

oPhone Number Format Length Group 3

Number of digits in the third phone number group



Yes/No Settings

oAllow Driver Deposits

Set to Yes to accept driver deposits on the manager screen

oDefault Delivery Zone Tax Status

This value sets the initial tax status when entering a new delivery zone on the customer data screen

oDisable Auto Customer Phone Lookup

Set to Yes to disable the customer lookup list from refreshing as the phone number is entered

oDriver Check In Edit Disable

When checking in delivery orders, the delivery order total and payment type cannot be edited

oDriver Check In Only Disable

When checking in delivery orders, the orders must be settled (check-in is not allowed)

oLate Delivery Alert Beep

System beep on late delivery alerts

oLate Delivery Alert Enabled

Show alerts for late delivery orders

oPhone Number Format Numbers Only

Set to Yes to disable the insertion of dashes into phone number

oPhone Number Verify Length

When entering a customer phone number, force the user to enter a fixed number of digits

oReprint Driver orders Default Value

The default value of the reprint orders buttons on the driver routing screen

oShow Driver Statistics

Show driver statistics at the top of the driver routing screen







Text Settings

oManual Discount Text

Name to use when user enters a manual discount amount



Yes/No Settings

oDiscount Order Minimum Based On Subtotal Only

Set to No if the Subtotal + Tax should be used when calculating the minimum order amount before a discount is applied (has no effect for VAT tax users)







Yes/No Settings

oAllow Partial Drawer Count

Set to Yes to allow the drawer to be reset even if a mandatory drawer count is not complete

oPrint Drawer Reset Report

Set to Yes to automtically print the drawer report when resetting the cash drawer. This report is archived and can be printed later in Back Office.

oShow Drawer Count

Set to Yes to force the manager to preform a manual drawer count when resetting the drawer





End Of Day


Numeric Settings

oDefault Weather Image

Default weather image that appears on end of day screen



Yes/No Settings

oDisable End Of Day Open Preauth

Set to Yes to prevent the user from completing the End Of Day procedure if preauth transactions that have not been captured exist

oDisable End Of Day Open orders

Set to Yes to disable the End-Of-Day button when open order exist

oEnd Of Day Cash Paid Out Summary

Set to Yes to show cash paid out summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Deliveries Summary

Set to Yes to show deliveries by driver summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Order Type Summary

Set to Yes to show sales by order type summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Refunds Summary

Set to Yes to show refunds summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Removed Items Summary

Set to Yes to show deleted order items summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Server Sales Summary

Set to Yes to show sales by server summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Subtotal By Item Type Summary

Set to Yes to show subtotal (tax not included) by item type summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Tax Collected

Set to Yes to show tax summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day pos station Sales Summary

Set to Yes to show sales by pos station summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Transactions Summary

Set to Yes to show revenue by transaction type summary on the end of day report

oEnd Of Day Void Open orders

Set to Yes to automatically void all open orders and associated transactions when performing end of day

oExclude Bartenders From Bar Sales Report

Set to Yes to exclude bartenders from the end of day bar sales report. Generally used for tip-out.

oInclude Tax In Bar Sales Report

Set to Yes to include tax in bar sales report totals (applies to non-VAT users only)

oShow End Of Day Confirmation Screen

Set to Yes to show the confirmation screen after the user presses the Confirm End Of Day button

oShow End Of Day Event Weather

Prompt the manager to enter business day characteristics when performing end-of-day

oSuppress Print End Of Day Report

Set to No to automatically print the drawer report when the End-Of-Day procedure is completed. Override this value by pressing the printer icon button on the End-Of-Day screen.





General Settings


Text Settings

oLast Location Setting Update

Version check for last location settings update (do not alter this value)

oScreen Font Name

System font to use on front end user interface



Numeric Settings

oBartender Permission

Job Type Id corresponding to bartender job type

oDatabase Version

Current database version. Do not modify this value.

oDefault Misc Item Tax Rate

Enter the default tax rate to use for MISC items. This value can be changed on the MISC item entry screen.

oDriver Job Type

Job Type Id corresponding to driver job type

oDriver Permission

Job Type Id corresponding to driver job type

oSplit Void Reason

Void reason id to use when voiding an order if splitting by guest



Yes/No Settings

oCompress Backup Files

Set to Yes to automatically compress the backup file and then delete it

oPrevent Overlapping Schedule Entries

Set to Yes to disable the ability to add conflicting schedule entries for individual employees (also applies to cloning schedule)

oShow Loyalty Card Prompt

Set to Yes to prompt the user to swipe the customer`s loyalty card before settling an order

oShow Message Alert

Set to Yes to show animated icon when user has unread messages

oTemp Files All Users

Set to Yes to use the All Users documents folder for temporary files; set to No to use the Current User documents folder

oorder List Scrolling

Set to No to scroll one order per button press or True to scroll to the top or bottom of the list

oUse Default Printer On Printer Error

Set to Yes to use the default windows printer when the specified printer is not available (the default printer should be a locally attached printer)

oUse Gift Card Web Service

Set to Yes to use a remote gift card web service to process gift card transactions

oUse Item Modifiers

Show Item Options button on order entry screen

oUse Order Optionals

Show Order Options button on order entry screen

oVat Tax

Items include tax in price





Gift Cards


Text Settings

oGift Card Management Url

URL of gift card management site

oGift Card Ws Account Name

Account name used to login to the gift card web service

oGift Card Ws Account Token

Encrypted account token used to access the gift card web service. This value is encrypted and cannot be modified directly.

oGift Card Ws Host

Address of gift card web service

oGift Card Ws Password

Encrypted password used to login to the gift card web service. This value is encrypted and cannot be modified directly.



Numeric Settings

oGift Card Valid Days

Enter the default value in days for which new gift card is valid. The value can be changed when activating a new gift card







Numeric Settings

oThumbnail Image Height

Height (in pixels) of thumbnail images in the image management window

oThumbnail Image Width

Width (in pixels) of thumbnail images in the image management window





Ingredient Abbreviations


Text Settings

oBottom Half

Abbreviation for Bottom Half Of Pizza

oBottom Left Quarter

Abbreviation for Bottom Left Quarter Of Pizza

oBottom Right Quarter

Abbreviation for Bottom Right Quarter Of Pizza

oTop Half

Abbreviation for Top Half Of Pizza

oTop Left Quarter

Abbreviation for Top Left Quarter Of Pizza

oTop Right Quarter

Abbreviation for Top Right Quarter Of Pizza





Label Printer Settings


Text Settings

oLabel Print Bottom Line 1

First line to display at bottom of label

oLabel Print Bottom Line 2

Second line to display at bottom of label

oLabel Printer Font

System font to use when printing labels using Windows printer driver

oLabel Print Top Line 1

First line to display at top of label

oLabel Print Top Line 2

Second line to display at top of label



Numeric Settings

oLabel Printer Font Size

Font size to use for labels

oLabel Printer Line Feeds Bottom

Number of blank lines at bottom of label

oLabel Printer Line Feeds Top

Number of blank lines at top of label



Yes/No Settings

oLabel Print Customer Info Bottom

Print customer information at bottom of label

oLabel Print Customer Info Top

Print customer information at top of label

oLabel Print Date Time Bottom

Print date and time at bottom of label

oLabel Print Date Time Top

Print date and time at top of label

oLabel Printer Name Top

Print the name of the printer at top of label. Useful when testing multiple label printers

oLabel Print Item Count

Print item count at bottom of label

oLabel Print Modifiers

Print menu item optionals on labels

oLabel Print Order Total Due

Print order total at bottom of label

oLabel Print Order Type Bottom

Print order type and order number at bottom of label

oLabel Print Order Type Top

Print order type and order number at top of label





Label Printers




Loyalty Cards


Numeric Settings

oLoyalty Card Coupon Amount

When using amount based loyalty card rewards, enter the amount of the coupon issued when the purchase amount level is reached

oLoyalty Card Coupon Expiration

When using amount based loyalty card rewards, enter the value in days that the coupon is valid from the date of issue

oLoyalty Card Method

The value indicating the type of loyalty card promotion used. 0=disabled, 1=amount based 2=points based

oLoyalty Card Purchase Amount

When using amount based loyalty card rewards, enter the amount that must be purchased before a coupon is issued





Order Entry


Text Settings

oTake Out Container Charge

order Line Item Description for Takeout Container Charge



Yes/No Settings

oKeep Original User After order Recall

Set to No to replace the user id on a recalled order with the new user (when a different user opens the order)

oShow Category Select Button

Set to Yes to show the category selection button (All-Food-Bar) on the order entry screen

oUse Table In Use Indicator

Set to Yes to show seating chart table buttons with a red background when the table is in use

oUse Table Reserved Indicator

Set to Yes to show seating chart table buttons with a yellow background when the table is in reserved





Order Entry Buttons


Yes/No Settings

oOrder Entry Screen Submit Button

Set to No to hide the submit button on the order entry screen

oOrder Entry Screen Suspend Button

Set to No to hide the suspend button on the order entry screen

oRemain On Previous Category Selection

Set to Yes to remain on the previously selected regular menu category instead of using the predefined startup category when starting a new order

oRetail Module Enabled

Set to No to hide the retail button on the order entry screen

oUse Exact Change For Cash Button

When pressing the CASH button on the order entry screen, assume exact change is tendered and settle order





Pizza Menu


Yes/No Settings

oPizza Menu Allow Tax Included

Set to No to charge tax on pizza menu items for order types that are configured to be tax inclusive





Pizza Menu Settings


Numeric Settings

oPizza Half Style Multiplier

When a pizza order consists of 2 different half styles on a single pizza, enter the value to multiply the regular price to determine the half price

oPizza Ingredient Half

Amount to multiply price for half pizza ingredient order

oPizza Ingredient Qtr

Amount to multiply price for quarter pizza ingredient order

oPizza Menu Suggested Price Markup

Amount by which to multiply the recipe cost to arrive at the suggested selling price for pizza menu items

oPizza Menu Tax Rate

Default tax rate for all pizza menu items



Yes/No Settings

oPizza Half Charge Higher Price

Set to Yes to charge the higher of the 2 style prices when entering a pizza with 2 styles. If set to No, each price is multiplied by one-half

oPizza Menu Enabled

Enable the pizza menu on the order entry screen

oPizza Styles Allow Half

Allow half style selection when selecting a pizza style





Receipt Printer


Numeric Settings

oPrint Item Tax Type

Print a 2 character tax type next to each order item (0=retail only, 1=all order types, 2=don't print)





Receipt Settings


Numeric Settings

oPrint Tax Lines

Print tax lines on customer receipt

oPrint order Line Above Bottom Text

Print a line above the bottom 5 order text lines. Set to 0 for no line 1 for single line 2 for double line

oPrint order Line Above Total

Print a line above the order total. Set to 0 for no line 1 for single line 2 for double line

oPrint order Line Below Bottom Text

Print a line under the bottom 5 order text lines. Set to 0 for no line 1 for single line 2 for double line

oPrint order Line Below Header

Print a line under the header. Set to 0 for no line 1 for single line 2 for double line

oPrint order Line Below Logo

Print a line under the order logo or at top of order if no logo is used. Set to 0 for no line 1 for single line 2 for double line

oPrint order Line Below Top Text

Print a line under the top 5 order text lines. Set to 0 for no line 1 for single line 2 for double line

oPrint order Line Below Total

Print a line under the order total. Set to 0 for no line 1 for single line 2 for double line



Yes/No Settings

oAuto Settle Fractional Balance

Set to Yes to automatically settle orders with a balance less than .01.

oPrint Large Number

Print 3 digit number on bottom of order

oPrint Space Between order Items

Print a blank line between order items

oPrint order After Void

Set to Yes to automatically print order after voiding it

oPrint order Bitmap Logo

Print the stored bitmap image on the customer receipt

oPrint order Bottom Barcode

Print scannable Code 39 barcode at the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint order Bottom Line 1

Print additional text at the 1st line on the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint order Bottom Line 2

Print additional text at the 2nd line on the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint order Bottom Line 3

Print additional text at the 3rd line on the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint order Bottom Line 4

Print additional text at the 4th line on the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint order Bottom Line 5

Print additional text at the 5th line on the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint order Bottom Time

Print time on bottom of receipt

oPrint order Header

Print server name, order type, table at the top of the customer receipt

oPrint order Space Between Items

Print a blank line between each order item (excluding modifiers)

oPrint order Subtotal

Print the subtotal on the customer receipt

oPrint order Top Line 1

Print additional text at the 1st line on the top of the customer receipt

oPrint order Top Line 2

Print additional text at the 2nd line on the top of the customer receipt

oPrint order Top Line 3

Print additional text at the 3rd line on the top of the customer receipt

oPrint order Top Line 4

Print additional text at the 4th line on the top of the customer receipt

oPrint order Top Line 5

Print additional text at the 5th line on the top of the customer receipt

oPrint order Transactions

Print all transactions at the bottom of the order

oPrint order Zero Cost Optionals

Print zero-cost Optionals under menu items on the customer receipt





Regular Menu


Numeric Settings

oMandatory Beverage Category

Menu category used for mandatory beverage selection



Yes/No Settings

oAuto Display Mandatory Optional Only

Show modifiers only when required modifier groups are assigned to the menu item

oOrder Menu Items Alphabetically

Order regular menu and retail items alphabetically on the order entry screen after pressing a cetgory button

oRegular Menu Allow Tax Included

Set to No to charge tax on regular menu items for order types that are configured to be tax inclusive

oSend Misc Items To Prep 1

Set to Yes to send MISC items to prep printer or remote display 1 by default. A different destination can be selected on the MISC item entry screen.





Remote Display


Text Settings

oRemote Display Font Name

Font to use for remote display order text



Numeric Settings

oRemote Display Border Color

Border color of selected screen orders

oRemote Display Default Sound

System sound to play when a new order is added to the list

oRemote Display Late Alert Minutes

Minutes before late alert color is used (set to 0 to disable)

oRemote Display Late Color

Late Alert color for remote display main screen

oRemote Display Late Sound

System sound to play when the oldest order duration is longer than the late alert minutes

oRemote Display Late Text Color

Remote display footer late font color

oRemote Display Lines Double

Number of lines to show on screen order in double view

oRemote Display Lines Normal

Number of lines to show on screen order in normal view

oRemote Display Lines Triple

Number of lines to show on screen order in full screen height view

oRemote Display Menu Item Color

Remote display menu item text color

oRemote Display Normal Alert Color

Normal footer color for remote display main screen

oRemote Display Normal Text Color

Remote display footer normal font color

oRemote Display Optional Color

Remote display optional text color

oRemote Display Order Type Text Color

Remote display order type font color

oRemote Display Screen Color

Background color for remote display main screen

oRemote Display Screen Refresh Disable Interval

Time in seconds to disable screen updates when the Previous, Next or Lock button is pressed

oRemote Display Screen Refresh Interval

Time in seconds to pause between screen updates

oRemote Displays In Use

Enter the highest remote display id. This value is used to speed up order submission, similar to disabling prep printers that are not in use.

oRemote Display Summary Color

Background color of summary view

oRemote Display Summary Text Color

order color of summary view

oRemote Display Text Color

Text color for remote display main screen

oRemote Display Text Size

Remote display font size

oRemote Display order Color

order and list background color for remote display main screen

oRemote Display Totals Position

Position of the item totals list

oRemote Display Warning Alert Minutes

Minutes before warning alert color is used (set to 0 to disable)

oRemote Display Warning Color

Warning alert color for remote display main screen

oRemote Display Warning Late Sound Interval

Number of minutes between playing sound when the oldest order duration is longer than the warning or late alert minutes

oRemote Display Warning Sound

System sound to play when the oldest order duration is longer than the warning alert minutes

oRemote Display Warning Text Color

Remote display footer warning font color



Yes/No Settings

oRemote Display Enabled

Set to Yes to enabled remote display(s)

oRemote Display Show Totals

Set to Yes to enable the item totals list

oRemote Display Show Totals Double Wide

Set to Yes to display the item totals list double with width or height

oRemote Display Text Bold

Set to Yes to use bold font on remote displays





Remote Printer Settings


Numeric Settings

oRemote Printer Line Feeds Bottom

Number of blank lines to print at the bottom of prep tickets

oRemote Printer Line Feeds Top

Number of blank lines to print at the top of prep tickets



Yes/No Settings

oDelete prep ticket Alerts

Set to Yes to delete prep ticket alerts so that they are not printed again if the order is recalled and new items are added.

oRemote Print Customer Info

Print customer name, address and phone on prep tickets

oRemote Printer Date Time

Set to Yes to print the date and time on the prep ticket header

oRemote Printer Header Height

Print prep ticket header text in double-height font

oRemote Printer Header Width

Print prep ticket header text in double-wide font

oRemote Printer Menu Item Line Feed

Set to Yes to insert a blank line after each menu item and optional is printed

oRemote Printer Order Type

Set to Yes to print the order type on the prep ticket header

oRemote Printer Printer Name

Set to Yes to print the printer name on the prep ticket header

oRemote Printer Server Name

Set to Yes to print the server name on the prep ticket header

oRemote Printer Table Name

Set to Yes to print the table name on the prep ticket header

oRemote Printer order

Set to Yes to print the order id on the prep ticket header

oRemote Print Guest

Set to Yes to print guest number above menu items for order types that have guest assignment enabled

oRemote Print Ticket Number

Print large 3-digit number at bottom of prep tickets





Remote Printers


Yes/No Settings

oPrint Discounts On Remote orders

Set to Yes to print any discounts at the bottom of remote orders

oPrint Prices On Remote orders

Set to Yes to print prices next to each item on remote orders. Enabling this feature shortens the item name.

oSend Remote Removed Item Alert

Print message to remote printers when an item is removed from an active order





Remote Printers Menu Items


Yes/No Settings

oRemote Printer Menu Items Height

Print prep ticket menu items in double-height font

oRemote Printer Menu Items Red

Print prep ticket menu items in red

oRemote Printer Menu Items Width

Print prep ticket menu items in double-wide font

oRemote Printer Show Price

Show item price on remote orders

oRemote Print Optional Level Asterisk

Set to Yes to print an asterisk before and after the optional level description when sent to prep printer

oUse Delivery Zones

Prompt the user to select a pre-defined delivery zone when starting a delivery order





Remote Printers Modifiers


Yes/No Settings

oRemote Printer Modifiers Height

Print prep ticket modifiers in double-height font

oRemote Printer Optionals Red

Print prep ticket Optionals in red

oRemote Printer Optionals Width

Print prep ticket Optionals in double-wide font







Numeric Settings

oReport Logo Image

Image to display at top of full size reports (use 0 for no image)

oReport Transactions Large Amount

Large amount transactions threshold for Transactions (Large Amount) report





Retail Module


Text Settings

oBottle Deposit Text

Text to display on reports and print on customer receipt for retail item bottle deposits

oDefault Misc Item Name

Text to use if the use default misc item setting is set to true

oRetail Shortcuts Heading 1

Text to display at top of retail shortcuts group 1

oRetail Shortcuts Heading 2

Text to display at top of retail shortcuts group 2

oRetail Shortcuts Heading 3

Text to display at top of retail shortcuts group 3

oWeight Scale Unit

Text to print on order for scale unit of measurement



Numeric Settings

oCumulative Rental Limit Amount

Reserved for future use - Maximum value of items that a customer can rent

oCumulative Rental Limit Items

Reserved for future use - Maximum number of items that a customer can rent

oInventory Suggested Price Markup

Amount by which to multiply the recipe cost to arrive at the suggested price

oRetail Items Category

Default category id for retail items

oRetail Items List Length Limit

Maximum number of items to show on retail items lookup list on order entry screen (use small number for slower systems)



Yes/No Settings

oGroup Retail Items On Single order Line

Set to Yes to automatically add one to the quantity if a scanned retail item already exists on the order. Set to No to show each item on a separate line.

oRetail Menu Allow Tax Included

Set to No to charge tax on retail menu items for order types that are configured to be tax inclusive

oShow Retail PLU Button

Set to Yes to enable the retail item PLU button on the order entry screen

oShow Retail Price Change Button

Set to Yes to enable the retail item price change button on the order entry screen

oShow Retail Search Button

Set to Yes to enable the retail item search button on the order entry screen

oShow Retail Shortcuts

Set to Yes to enable the retail shortcuts buttons on the order entry screen

oShow Retail SKU Button

Set to Yes to enable the retail item SKU button on the order entry screen

oUse Default Misc Item Name

Set to Yes to automatically use the default misc item name when adding a misc item to an order, eliminating the need to enter a name







Numeric Settings

oClear User Actions Log Interval

Interval in days to clear old user actions log data. Any older data will be deleted authomatically. Set to 0 to never delete data. Frequent clearing of this table will reduce the size of the database.

oOrder Screen Delay

Delay (in seconds) after settling order before returning to the start screen due to inactivity

oServer Job Type

Job Type Id correspoding to server job type

oServer Permission

Permission corresponding to server job type

oSettle Screen Delay

Delay (in seconds) after settling order before returning to the start screen due to inactivity. Enter a value between 5 and 300 seconds

oStart Screen Delay

Delay (in seconds) after logging in before auto-logout due to inactivity. Enter a value between 5 and 300 seconds



Yes/No Settings

oAllow Permission Overrides

Set to Yes to allow a one user to temporarily allow another user to perform unassigned functions (Manager Override)

oAllow Self Permission Overrides

Allows users with multiple job types to override their current permissions with permissions from their default job type

oAllow Settled order Selection

Display closed orders on existing order selection screens

oAssign Cash Drawers

Assign Cash Drawers To Users (2-drawer pos stations)

oDisplay Only Clocked In Servers

Set to Yes to show only servers that are clocked in on the transfer order server list

oPrint Clock In Confirmation

Print Confirmation After Clock In

oPrint Clock Out Confirmation

Print Confirmation After Clock Out

oPrint Driver Delivery Charges

Print Driver`s Delivery Charges Collected After Clock Out

oRequire Clock In For Override

Set to Yes if managers must be clocked in before being allowed to perform overrides

oSingle User Mode

Bypass login screen





Server Banking


Yes/No Settings

oAllow Server Deposits

Set to Yes to accept server deposits on the manager screen

oServer Banking

Use server banking

oServer Banking Deduct Gratuities

When using server banking, deduct non-cash gratuities from server liabilities

oServer Banking Prompt Start Amount

If server banking is enabled, setting this value to Yes will prompt the user to enter the bank start amount and source of funds when starting a shift





Settle Screen


Yes/No Settings

oShow Settled orders

Show settled orders on order selection screen





Store Information


Text Settings

oBusiness Address

Business address to appear on reports

oBusiness Address Line 2

Business address line 2 to appear on reports

oBusiness City

Business city to appear on reports

oBusiness Fax

Business fax number to appear on reports

oBusiness Name

Business Name To Appear On Reports

oBusiness Postal Code

Business postal code to appear on reports

oBusiness Region

Business state/region to appear on reports

oBusiness Telephone

Business phone number to appear on reports



Numeric Settings

oBusiness Week Start Day

First day of business week


Numeric value used to identify this location for enterprise data sharing, loyalty card data sharing and gift card data sharing


Numeric value used to identify this merchant for enterprise data sharing, loyalty card data sharing and gift card data sharing



Time Settings

oBusiness Day Start

Business open time (Enter 00:00 for 24 hours)





Suggested Gratuities


Text Settings

oorder Text Suggested Gratuities

Text to print on order for suggested gratuities header



Numeric Settings

oPrint Suggested Gratuity Value 1

Whole number percentage value of suggested gratuity #1

oPrint Suggested Gratuity Value 2

Whole number percentage value of suggested gratuity #2

oPrint Suggested Gratuity Value 3

Whole number percentage value of suggested gratuity #3

oPrint Suggested Gratuity Value 4

Whole number percentage value of suggested gratuity #4

oPrint Suggested Gratuity Value 5

Whole number percentage value of suggested gratuity #5



Yes/No Settings

oPrint Suggested Gratuities

Enable suggested gtatuities at the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint Suggested Gratuities 1

Set to Yes to print suggested gratuities #1 at the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint Suggested Gratuities 2

Set to Yes to print suggested gratuities #2 at the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint Suggested Gratuities 3

Set to Yes to print suggested gratuities #3 at the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint Suggested Gratuities 4

Set to Yes to print suggested gratuities #4 at the bottom of the customer receipt

oPrint Suggested Gratuities 5

Set to Yes to print suggested gratuities #5 at the bottom of the customer receipt





Time Clock/Schedule


Numeric Settings

oLate Clock In Grace Period

Time difference in minutes (between current time and scheduled time) before an employee is considered late



Yes/No Settings

oAllow Cash Drawer Change

Allow users to change drawer assignment in the middle of a shift

oPrevent Open orders Clock Out

Prevent clock-out if the user has open orders

oPrevent Unscheduled Clock In

Set to Yes to disable clock in for users that are no currently scheduled

oPrint Clock Out Bank Report

Set to Yes to auto-print the server bank summary report when the user clocks out on the time clock screen

oPrint Delivery Charges Clock Out

Print collected delivery charges on clock out report for drivers

oSuppress Time Clock Activity Report

Hide time clock activity on drawer change report





User Interface


Numeric Settings

oBar Menu Item Image Category

Image category for bar menu item images

oButton Appearance

Theme to use on most user interface buttons 0=3D;1=Flat;2=Transparent;3=WinXP4=MS Explorer;5=MS Office

oButton Border Color

Color to use on regular and bar menu buttons

oButton Color Highlight

Select the alternate color to use on POS buttons

oButton Color Normal

Select the color to use on most POS buttons

oCaller Popup Exit Delay

Delay in seconds before caller id popup window closes

oDelivery Alert Popup Exit Delay

Delay in seconds before caller id popup window closes

oLogin Screen Logo Image

Image that appears on the left side of the login screen

oLogin Screen Logo Mask Color

Transparency color of login screen image

oMenu Group Image Category

Image category for regular menu category images

oMenu Item Image Category

Image category for menu item images

oNormal Text Size

Enter the font size (pts) to use on most buttons. This value can be adjusted for individual buttons if required.

oOptional Image Category

Image category for Optional item images

oPizza Menu Item Image Category

Image category for pizza menu item images

oRecipe Image Category

Image category for recipe images (used for internet ordering and remote kitchen display)

oRoom Layout Image Category

Image category for seating chart background images

oScreen Color Highlight

Select the color to use on screen accents and some borders

oScreen Color Normal

Select the color to use on most POS screens

oScreen order Image

Image Id of the screen order watermark

oScreen order Image Transparency

Transparency percentage of the screen order logo

oSeating Chart Image Category

Image category for seating chart images

oWeather Image Category

Image category for weather images that appear on end of day screen



Yes/No Settings

oShow Tooltips Back Office

If set to Yes, buttons will show tooltips

oShow Tooltips Front End

If set to Yes, buttons will show tooltips




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