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Settle Screen

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Most order transactions are processed order settlement screen. Other transactions, such as credit card transactions using the PCCharge Payment Server, are processing on a separate screen and are not affected by the settings described by this help topic.




Back Office > Configuration > Main Settings

Back Office > Configuration > Main Settings



Payment Types Configuration

Payment Types Configuration



The Payment Types tab in Back Office > Configuration > Main SettingsSettle Screen contains a list of transaction types available on the Settle screen. Each payment type definition contains the following settings:


Transaction type: The text that appears on the transaction types list
Button position: The button position relative to the button position value of other buttons
Disable: Check the box to hide this transaction type
Open Drawer: Check the box if the cash drawer should open when a transaction is completed using this transaction type (i.e. if the cashier is required to place the signature slip in the drawer after a Room Charge transaction, check the box under the Open Drawer column)
Deduct: Check the box to deduct this transaction type from daily revenue reports
Show bank check prompt: Check the box to prompt the user to enter the bank check number and amount when using this transaction type
Show manual credit card prompt: Check the box to prompt the user to enter the credit card authorization code, transaction amount and gratuity amount when using this transaction type



Currency Presets

Currency Presets




The Currency Presets tab in Back Office > Configuration > Main SettingsSettle Screen contains the values that determine the amount and visibility of each of the 6 currency preset buttons that appear on the left side of the number pad when performing a cash transaction.




Foreign Currency Settings

Foreign Currency Settings





The Foreign Currency tab in Back Office > Configuration > Main SettingsSettle Screen contains settings for foreign currencies that appear on the Settle screen.


Cash Payout Reasons

Cash Payout Reasons




The Paid Out Reasons tab in Back Office > Configuration > Main SettingsSettle Screen contains the list of paid out reasons that appears on the drop-down list on the Paid Out screen.



Cash Payout Recipients

Cash Payout Recipients




The Paid Out Recipients tab in Back Office > Configuration > Main SettingsSettle Screen contains the list of paid out recipients that appears on the drop-down list on the Paid Out screen.





Override Payment Types

Override Payment Types


The shared payment type settings can be overridden for the local pos station by setting the value to Hidden. Note that setting the CASH or CREDIT payment type to Hidden will hide the buttons on the settle screen and below the screen ticket on the order entry screen.



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