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QBI Status Codes

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Error Meaning Explanation
0 The QuickBooks server processed the request successfully. Status OK
1 No match. The filters used in the query request did not return any matching objects from QuickBooks.
500 One or more objects cannot be found The query request has not been fully completed. There was a required element("fieldValue") that could not be found in QuickBooks.
501 Object not in this qbXML specification Unable to represent objectName "fieldValue" in this version of the qbXML spec.
510 Object cannot be returned Unable to return object.
530 Unsupported field The field "fieldName" is not supported by this implementation.
531 Unsupported enum value The enum value "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName" is not supported by this implementation.
550 Cannot save notes The objectName object was saved successfully, but its corresponding Notes record could not be saved.
560 Deprecated field used This field will not always be supported.
570 Cannot link to transaction Unable to link to transaction "fieldValue" because it has already been closed.
600 No cleared state to return (For error recovery; no message is returned.)
1000 Internal error There has been an internal error when processing the request.
1010 System not available System not available
1030 Unsupported message This request is not supported by this implementation.
1060 Invalid request ID The request ID "fieldValue" is invalid, possibly too long, max 50 chars.
3000 Invalid object ID The given object ID "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName" is invalid.
3010 Invalid Boolean There was an error when converting the boolean value "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3020 Invalid date There was an error when converting the date value "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3030 Invalid date range Invalid date range: From date is greater than To date.
3031 Invalid string range The "From" or "To" values in the provided fieldName are invalid.
3035 Invalid time interval There was an error when converting the time interval "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3040 Invalid amount There was an error when converting the amount "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3045 Invalid price There was an error when converting the price "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3050 Invalid percentage There was an error when converting the percent "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3060 Invalid quantity There was an error when converting the quantity "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3065 Invalid GUID There was an error when converting the GUID value "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3070 String too long The string "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName" is too long.
3080 Invalid string The string "fieldValue" is invalid.
3085 Invalid number There was an error when converting the number "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName"
3090 Invalid object name There was an error when storing "fieldValue" in the "fieldName" field.
3100 Name is not unique The name "fieldValue" of the list element is already in use.
3101 Resulting amount too large Multiplying the rate and the quantity results in an amount that exceeds the maximum allowable amount.
3110 Invalid enum value The enumerated value "fieldValue" in the field "fieldName" is unknown.
3120 Object not found Object "fieldValue" specified in the request cannot be found.
3121 OwnerID not found Data Extension Definitions specified by OwnerID fieldValue not found for this object type.
3130 Parent reference not found There is an invalid reference to a parent "fieldValue" in the objectName list.
3140 Reference not found There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks fieldName "fieldValue" in the objectName.
3150 Missing required element There is a missing element "fieldName."
3151 Invalid element for request Cannot use the element "fieldName" in this request.
3153 Element conflict in request This error is returned whenever there is a conflict in the elements in the request. Each element has valid value, but their combination becomes invalid.
3160 Object cannot be deleted Cannot delete the object specified by the id = "fieldValue."
3161 Cannot delete before closing date An attempt was made to delete a fieldValue with a date that is on or before the closing date of the company. If you are sure you really want to do this, please ask a user with Admin privileges to remove the password for editing transactions on or before to closing date (this setting is in the Accounting Company Preferences), then try again.
3162 Not allowed in multi-user mode This operation is not allowed in multi-user mode.
3170 Object cannot be modified There was an error when modifying a fieldValue.
3171 Cannot modify before closing date An attempt was made to modify a fieldValue with a date that is on or before the closing date of the company. If you are sure you really want to do this, please ask a user with Admin privileges to remove the password for editing transactions on or before to closing date (this setting is in the Accounting Company Preferences), then try again.
3172 Cannot modify prior to last condense An attempt was made to modify a fieldValue with a date that is on or before the last inventory condensed date.
3173 Related object deleted or modified The related fieldName transaction object fieldValue was deleted or modified.
3175 Object is in use There was an error adding, modifying or deleting fieldValue because it is already in use.
3176 Related object is in use The related fieldName transaction object fieldValue is already in use." // "specified by the ID" is appended to fieldValue if necessary.
3177 Duplicate AppliedToTxn IDs The transaction object "fieldValue" may only be provided once in this request.
3180 Object cannot be added There was an error when saving a fieldValue.
3185 Object cannot be voided Cannot void the object specified by the id = "fieldValue"
3190 Cannot clear required element Cannot clear the element in the fieldName field.
3200 Outdated edit sequence The provided edit sequence "fieldValue" is out-of-date.
3205 Invalid address There was an error when composing an address in "fieldValue"
3210 Other validation error The "fieldName" field has an invalid value "fieldValue
3220 Not authorized operation There is no permission to perform this request, or the feature has been turned off in QuickBooks.
3230 Status rollback The request has been rolled-back.
3231 Status unprocessed The request has not been processed.
3240 Time creation mismatch Object "fieldValue" specified in the request cannot be found.
3250 Feature not enabled This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks.
3260 Insufficient permissions Insufficient permission level to perform this action.
3261 Application has no sensitive data permission The integrated application has no permission to access sensitive data.
3262 Requires payroll subscription In order to complete this request, the company data file has to be subscribed to the Intuit Payroll Service.
3263 Not authorized for write access This request cannot be completed because the integrated application had requested read-only access. Have the integrated application request read/write access, and have the QuickBooks administrator grant this access.
3270 Missing posting account Missing posting account.
3280 Item type mismatch The item "fieldValue" cannot be used in this line item. It does not have a correct type.
3290 Item line out of order The line items in the request are in a different order than the line items in the transaction.
3300 Cannot open requested window Could not open the requested objectName form or window.
3301 Not allowed in unattended mode Cannot perform this request unless an interactive QuickBooks user is logged in.
3310 Unknown employee time status Failed to save the Time Tracking transaction. The employee "fieldValue" provided in the TimeTrackingAdd request has the checkbox "Use time data to create paychecks" set to the Unknown state. Have your application ask the user whether or not to set time tracking for this employee. Then issue an EmployeeMod request to set this option to either True or False. If True, activities will be transferred to paychecks.
3320 Could not create report The required report could not be generated.
3330 Invalid GUID for request Cannot use the value "fieldValue" in the "fieldName" field in this request.
3340 Not allowed in data event callback This request cannot be processed from within a data event callback procedure.
3350 Custom field list is full Unable to define a new public data extension; the list of public extension definitions is full.
3351 Invalid type for custom field The value or values provided for AssignToObject or RemoveFromObject may not be used for public data extension requests.
3352 Not allowed to reuse custom field The data extension named "fieldValue" was previously defined with a different, incompatible AssignToObject. Unable to use the AssignToObject type in this request.
3360 Callback app cannot be verified The callback application cannot be found from the CLSID or ProgID provided in the subscription request.
9001 Invalid checksum (For error recovery; no message is returned.)
9002 No stored response found (For error recovery; no message is returned.)
9003 Reinitialization problem (For error recovery; no message is returned.)
9004 Invalid message ID (For error recovery; no message is returned.)
9005 An error recovery record could not be saved An attempt was made to save an error recovery record for a message set. The save operation failed and the record wasn't saved.
9100 Macro name not unique The macro name "fieldValue" is already in use; it may only be defined once.
9101 Macro name too long The macro name "fieldValue" is too long.
9102 Macro name invalid The macro name "fieldValue" contains invalid characters.
9103 Macro substitution failure The request was unable to use a macro value, probably due to an earlier error encountered when defining the macro.


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