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Processor Specific Notes

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Processor Specific Notes


The processors Global Payments East (NDC) and FDMS South (NB) have unique restrictions related to

gratuity based transactions.


These two processors will not allow the actual total sale plus gratuity amount to exceed 120% of the

originally authorized total sale plus gratuity amount.



1. The customer’s bill is $10.00. The server estimates the gratuity will be $1.00 (10%). The

restaurant application will then submit a Sale transaction (action code 1) with the amount of

$10.00 and the estimated gratuity of $1.00. Therefore, PCCharge will request an authorization

for $11.00. This authorization is approved by the processor.

2. After the meal has concluded, the customer decides to leave a gratuity of $5.00 This gratuity

amount would result in a total amount of $15.00, which is greater than 120% of the originally

authorized total of $11.00. The merchant could not, in this situation, add the gratuity by

performing a Gratuity transaction.

3. Instead, the server will need to perform a Void Sale (action code 3) on the original transaction,

and then enter a Sale with Gratuity (action code 14) with the amount of $10.00 and a gratuity

amount of $5.00.


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