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Backing Up Your PCCharge Data

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*The following is taken from the Verifone© PCCharge Payment Server user manual. Refer to the the user manual that is installed on your PC for any updates or revisions.


Backing Up Your PCCharge Data

WARNING: The following instructions MUST be followed PRIOR to upgrading your existing version of PCCharge. Failure to observe proper upgrade procedure may result in loss of valuable payment data and/or program functionality. The section Upgrade Preparation (in the PCCharge Manual PDF) contains the complete set of directions for the upgrade preparation process, but it is vital that you at least back up your existing data prior to upgrading PCCharge.

1. Start your copy of PCCharge if it isn't already running.

2. Process and Settle/Close any outstanding transactions prior to installing this upgrade.

3. Click Utilities on the menu bar. Click Backup Files….
- Click BackUp. The Backup Data Files To… window will appear. Click Open.
- It may take a few moments for PCCharge to complete this procedure. Click OK when you see the message "Backup was Successful".
- PCCharge has created a file named BACKUPID.ZIP and placed it the PCCharge installation directory. Do not delete this file, as certain PCCharge files can be recovered from this file in case of data loss.

4. You may now shut down PCCharge . Click File on the menu bar. Click Exit.

5. To be absolutely certain that you have all necessary information (in the unlikely event of upgrade issues), you must back up the entire PCCharge directory. To do this, complete the following steps:
- Click your Windows Start button, and then click Run. In the box labeled Open, type in C:\Program Files and then click the OK button.
- Right-click the folder named Active-Charge. A menu will appear. Left-click the option Copy. The menu will disappear.
* Move your mouse pointer to the right of the folder's name, over empty space (while remaining in the same window). Right-click this empty space.
- Another menu will appear. Left-click Paste. The menu will disappear, and Windows will make a copy of your entire PCCharge folder.
- After the files have finished copying, you may close the C:\Program Files window by clicking File, then Close.


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