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Mini Reports

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Mini reports appear on both the manager screen and in Back Office Reports. The reports are designed to print to a standard thermal receipt printer. Reports may not print correctly on an impact (dot matrix) printer.



The following mini reports are available:


Bar Item Sales By Server
Credit Card Gratuities
Credit Card Transactions
Deliveries By Driver
Inventory Usage
Item Sales By Type
Low Inventory (Actual)
Low Inventory (Estimate)
Non Cash Gratuities
Non Cash Gratuities Detail
Open PreAuth
PLU List (By Name)
PLU List (By PLU)
Sales By Hour
Sales By Item Type
Sales By Order Type
Sales By Server
Sales By pos station
Server Banking
Order Voids
Time Sheet Activity






Bar Item Sales By Server

End of Day: This report is useful when servers are required to tip bartenders a percentage of sales. The report includes bar item and bar optional (subtotal) sales multiplied by the bar tax rate for the current business day grouped by server and excluding removed order items, order voids and archived orders. Advanced options for this report include ExcludeBartendersFromBarSalesReport (to ignore bar item sales by bartenders) and IncludeTaxInBarSalesReport, both configurable under Yes/No settings in Back Office.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current sales, if applicable. Discounts are not included in this report.


Credit Card Gratuities

End of Day: This report is useful for restaurants that do not use server banking and disburse credit card gratuities daily or weekly. The report summarizes gratuities based on orders that have not yet been archived (any order still open or started after the last end of day was run), grouped by server. For PCCharge Payment Server users, the report summarizes gratuities added using the Add Gratuity or Post-Auth transaction type, as displayed under the Gratuity column in Back Office > Summary >Credit Cards. When using an external credit  card machine, the report summarizes data from the Gratuity Amount column in Back Office > Summary >Transactions.  The report excludes data for archived orders, order voids and transaction voids.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current sales, if applicable.


Credit Card Transactions

End of Day: This report summarizes credit card sales by card type and lists credit card transaction details for orders that have not yet been archived (any order still open or started after the last end of day was run), grouped by order id. For PCCharge Payment Server users, the report summarizes sales processed using the Sale or Pre-Auth transaction type, as displayed under the TxAmount column in Back Office > Summary >Credit Cards. When using an external credit  card machine, the report summarizes data from the Amount column in Back Office > Summary >Transactions.  The report excludes data for archived orders, order voids and transaction voids.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current sales, if applicable.


Deliveries By Driver

End of Day: This report is used to display all deliveries for orders generated during the current business day (archived orders excluded), grouped by Driver and order ID. Gratuities are shown below each order's total along with the customer name. Voided orders, archived orders and voided deliveries are excluded
Back Office:  Same as above but allows a date range selection.


Inventory Usage

End of Day: This report calculates inventory usage based on the recipe entered for each menu item and optional, grouped by inventory item name. The total cost and quantity used is shown next to each item (unused items are excluded). Quantities are rounded to 2 decimal places. Voided orders, removed order items and archived orders are not included in this report.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current sales, if applicable.


Item Sales By Type

End of Day: This report summarizes sales by item type for current orders grouped by item type (i.e. regular menu item, bar optional, delivery charge, etc) and item name Archived orders, order voids and removed order items are excluded. Only items with a price greater than zero are included in this report. The quantity of each item sold is included in parenthesis next to the item name and the total sales for each item (tax and discounts not included) appears in the right column. Note that this report will accurately reflect price changes, since the quantity is not used to calculate the total (totals are calculated on a per order basis).
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current sales, if applicable.


Low Inventory (Actual)

End of Day: This report displays inventory items that have an actual quantity at or below the predefined reorder level. The actual quantity is the quantity entered at the last manual (physical) inventory count.
Back Office: Same as above.


Low Inventory (Estimate)

End of Day: This report displays inventory items that have an actual quantity at or below the predefined reorder level. The actual quantity is the remaining quantity calculated by Amigo Pos based on item sales (and the recipe entered for each item).
Back Office: Same as above


Non Cash Gratuities

End of Day: This report summarizes gratuities received for non-cash transactions, grouped by server. The report summarizes data from the Gratuity Amount column in Back Office > Summary >Transactions. It differs from the credit card gratuities report in that gratuities from house account transactions are also included. Voided orders, voided transactions and archived orders are not included in this report.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current transactions, if applicable.


Non Cash Gratuities Detail

End of Day:This report is identical to the Non Cash Gratuities report but groups gratuities by server, transaction and order id with the total shown for each server.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current transactions, if applicable.


Open PreAuth

End of Day: This report is used to determine the TroutD of any Pre-Auth transaction that has not been captured. Applies to PCCharge Payment Server users only and excludes voided transactions. This report does NOT exclude voided orders, since voiding an order does not automatically void a credit card transaction.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current transactions, if applicable.


PLU List (By Name)

End of Day: Not available
Back Office: This report displays a list of PLUs for items where the PLU is greater than zero. The PLU, item name and price are displayed, sorted by item name.


PLU List (By PLU)

End of Day: Not available
Back Office: This report displays a list of PLUs for items where the PLU is greater than zero. The PLU, item name and price are displayed, sorted by PLU.


Sales By Hour

End of Day: Not available
Back Office: This report summarizes sales (tax and discounts included) based on hour of the day for the specified date range, excluding voided orders.


Sales By Item Type

End of Day: Not available
Back Office: This report is similar to the Item Sales By Type report except that sales totals (tax and discounts not included) are grouped by item type (individual items totals are not displayed). Voided orders are excluded.


Sales By Order Type

End of Day: Not available
Back Office: This report summarizes total sales by order type for the specified date range, grouped by order type.The order type, order count and sales total (tax and discounts included) is shown for each order type with sales greater than zero. Voided orders are excluded.


Sales By Server

End of Day: Not available
Back Office: This report summarizes total sales by server for the specified date range, grouped by order type.The server name, order count and sales total (tax and discounts included) is shown for each order type with sales greater than zero. Voided orders are excluded.


Sales By pos station

End of Day: Not available
Back Office: This report summarizes total sales by pos station id for the specified date range, grouped by order type.The pos station id, order count and sales total (tax and discounts included) is shown for each order type with sales greater than zero. Voided orders are excluded.


Server Banking

End of Day: This report is used to determine the server's liabilities when server banking is used. The total (including tax and discounts) for each server is shown, grouped by order type. The report will include the house bank in the calculation only if a house bank is used (servers do not start the shift with their own money). In addition, the report can also deduct non-cash gratuities, if the ServerBankingDeductGratuities Yes/No setting is enabled. The report also displays any current time sheet entries for the server.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all sales within the specified date range, including current transactions, if applicable, but is not useful to determine server liabilities since the server has most likely submitted funds for historical sales.


order Voids

End of Day: This report displays individual order voids from the current business day and includes the order id, order type, user (that voided the order), void reason, and order total (tax and discounts included)
Back Office:  Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all orders within the specified date range, including current orders, if applicable.


Time Sheet Activity

End of Day: This report includes all time sheet entries for the current business day (based on the 24-hour period starting with the business open time), group by job type (permission) and sorted by the employee last name. The report also includes any open time sheet entry (clocked in but not clocked out), regardless of date.
Back Office: Same as above but allows a date range selection. This report includes all time sheet entries within the specified date range, including current entries, if applicable.



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