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Back Office Data Grids

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Amigo Pos 7 displays some lists in data grids, with the ability to display data in lists or card (detail) view, similar to many spreadsheet and database applications.


When updating a value in the data grid while in list view, either click on a different row or click the Enter key to commit the changes. If displaying the data in detail view mode, either click on a different card or click the Enter key on the keyboard to commit the data. You may also use the data grid navigation keys on the toolbar to change the row selection, which will also commit any changes to the database.


Some data grids allow the user to group data by a specific column heading. For example, it may be convenient to view menu items grouped by menu category. Click the Group By button to set data grid grouping. Click the View Summary button to view all available options such as visible Fields, Sort options and grid format options.



Data Grid in List View

Data Grid in List View



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