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Additional Credit Card Transactions


Amigo Pos also provides the ability to perform the following transaction types when using PCCharge Payment Server, Mercury Pay or PPI Paymover:



A PostAuth (Capture) transaction may be voided to correct an incorrect gratuity amount. A Sale transaction can be voided to remove it from the batch. When voiding a sale, verify that you have access to the credit card if the transaction must be processed again. Voids are available for transactions in the current batch only. The Void transaction is always preferred over the Credit (also referred to as a Refund or Return) because of lower discount rates.


Credit Card Void

Credit Card Void


Refund (also referred to as a Refund or Return)

A refund is used when the transaction is in a settled batch. The customer card (or card number and expiration date) is required to process a refund. Although not used for reporting, enter a valid order id when issuing a refund so that the signature slip can be printed. A refund will have no affect on the order status (i.e. Open or Settled).



Credit Card Refund

Credit Card Refund



Void Refund

If a mistake is made when issuing a refund, use the Void Refund transaction to cancel and start over.



Credit Card Void Refund

Credit Card Void Refund



Any of these functions can be accessed in Back Office > Summary > Credit Cards by clicking the menu item on the drop-down list, as shown below.



Back Office Credit Card Menu

Back Office Credit Card Menu



In addition, these functions can be accessed in Back Office > Summary > Credit Cards by highlighting a transaction and right-clicking, as shown below.



Back Office Credit Card Grid

Back Office Credit Card Grid


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